WorldBit Transparency

The WorldBit Protocol was developed to give users the ability to see a proof of all registered assets while protecting users privacy.

Bellow you will find the real-time WorldBit statistics, as well a real-time audit list, where you can see all the current registered items, trade type and value.

WorldBit Statistics


Registered items

25,653.8105 WBT

Total assets value

$ 83,648.71

Total assets volume

Real-Time Audit Assets Log

Public address Merchandise Trade WorldBit Value
0x189f47e25B8E1947C335f7890Cca9Ab80eBf7890Wood Font Electric blue Buy11 (11 x 1)
0xBDDE3dee29A8EDd5e1ea25e3cb1D7D13610cFc85Test ObjectBuy1 (1 x 1)
0xf7b662CF25a339B7e3C73ADae03cFFA0676F6cFftest objectBuy1 (1 x 1)
0xFC010932e3b67F3f509FAE0ada987D904f1c7FCbFlower Plant People in nature Buy1 (1 x 1)
0xD5c26B7a628ff5A531c98Ae4620b4C56B1c49baEWater Natural environment Botany Buy11 (11 x 1)
0x54446b6C3ee822292E6A1f6Caf61315BDCcd390eCar Land vehicle Vehicle Buy0 (0 x 1)
0x7b9D16E276F832c2061E49F106C150aE95270CacTest Object 12Buy1 (1 x 1)
0x612238E9aaBF7f0bA6b036425E189EbeCF42C9AEDishware Cloud Textile Buy1 (1 x 1)
0x12d5d5ED262aECA859a9CA992B1C2d8eD66D99E4Peripheral Computer Computer keyboard Lease1 (1 x 1)
0x2A5c2BDCDf5979bdAc4EB7F9BcE74da3Dd310418Test Object R155Buy1 (1 x 1)